a stock tip that WILL change your life


Jun 15, 2006
There is a stock with the symbol of "TTDZ". The CEO announced last week he is buying up 99% of the float to lower share count. The MM's made believe there was a mass selling last week so it could look like dilution. But I talked to a one of the higher ups there- and he informed me that the company is not selling shares buy will be purchasing shares on the open market. The MM's really need shares on this stock badly. You could literally buy this stock for 0.0001 right now, as thats the ask. Buy 100,000,000 shares for $10,000 . This will literally be a ten bagger when the company buys the shares on the open market and that could happen anytime. The MM's in the meantime are trying to keep it low, so they could get all the shares possible at 0.0001

Just load on TTDZ. This stock will change your life.

Its worth $10,000 for $100,000

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Advising people to put 10k into a stock trading at .0001? And I see the stock is just coming off a pump a couple days ago.

Not pretending to know anything about this company but I find it extremely hard to believe this ends anywhere other then the dumpster.

New member
Apr 22, 2010
He just said it will change your life and I think he meant for the worse. He might be telling the truth. hahaha. Best bet is to buy 'performing insurance' which is physical gold and silver.

Next best bet is BLQN. Buy some tomorrow if you can get it at 60 cents. I doubt you get any but if you can risk it buy 1000 shares at 60 cents tomorrow and give it one week. Great little company I think can become the next Westport. We'll see.

Oct 12, 2008
Advising people to put 10k into a stock trading at .0001? And I see the stock is just coming off a pump a couple days ago.

Not pretending to know anything about this company but I find it extremely hard to believe this ends anywhere other then the dumpster.

um, okay

it's kinda like the folks that recommend hoarding water and food.....all awaiting the final 'economic collapse'.....

pot meet kettle

New member
Sep 21, 2004
um, okay

it's kinda like the folks that recommend hoarding water and food.....all awaiting the final 'economic collapse'.....

pot meet kettle

It doesn't take a genius to recognize a stock trading at .0001 with its latest pr release talking about a buyback is a dead duck. Main point of my post is trying to curb the insane positivity given by the original poster.

And I see you haven't done any research into the impending madness which is almost certain to happen in the near future.

Oct 12, 2008
It doesn't take a genius to recognize a stock trading at .0001 with its latest pr release talking about a buyback is a dead duck. Main point of my post is trying to curb the insane positivity given by the original poster.

And I see you haven't done any research into the impending madness which is almost certain to happen in the near future.

yes I have, thanks for your concern, I think? :)

the irony in your first post in this thread went right over your head , I see.

let me clarify........Can you please elaborate as to THE pending currency/economic collapse (given you're not an 'expert', by your own admission), do your best:

when shall it occur? how much water/food should we tuck away ( as per your recommendation, but it was vague!!!),6 mths worth?, how will the 'econonic collapse' manifest itself? ATM's no longer work? choas in the streets, no govt funding to pay the police, anarchy in the streets? if so, should we buy guns? where should we hide our gold? USA declares war on China? USA takes over Canada?

the irony was so thick,I needed a butcher's knife to get thru it......:)

New member
Sep 21, 2004
yes I have, thanks for your concern, I think? :)

the irony in your first post in this thread went right over your head , I see.

let me clarify........Can you please elaborate as to THE pending currency/economic collapse (given you're not an 'expert', by your own admission), do your best:

when shall it occur? how much water/food should we tuck away ( as per your recommendation, but it was vague!!!),6 mths worth?, how will the 'econonic collapse' manifest itself? ATM's no longer work? choas in the streets, no govt funding to pay the police, anarchy in the streets? if so, should we buy guns? where should we hide our gold? USA declares war on China? USA takes over Canada?

the irony was so thick,I needed a butcher's knife to get thru it......:)

Your antagonistic and sarcastic tone has already gotten old. Grow up.


Cutbacks force police to curtail calls for some crimes

Updated 8/25/2010 2:19 AM | Comments 498 | Recommend 18 E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions | Subscribe to stories like this

By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY
Budget cuts are forcing police around the country to stop responding to fraud, burglary and theft calls as officers focus limited resources on violent crime.

Cutbacks in such places as Oakland, Tulsa and Norton, Mass. have forced police to tell residents to file their own reports — online or in writing — for break-ins and other lesser crimes.

"If you come home to find your house burglarized and you call, we're not coming," said Oakland Police spokeswoman Holly Joshi. The city laid off 80 officers from its force of 687 last month and the department can't respond to burglary, vandalism, and identity theft. "It's amazing. It's a big change for us."

Jim Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, the nation's largest police union, said cutbacks are preventing many police agencies from responding to property crimes.

"The chiefs are putting the best face on this they can," Pasco said. "But think of this: that next property crime could involve a junkie who killed someone the night before."

In Tulsa, which lost 110 officers to layoffs and retirements, the 739-officer department isn't sending cops to the scene of larceny, fraud and car theft.

Tulsa police spokesman Jason Willingham says some residents have said they won't bother to report those crimes any more. "They think nothing is going to be done, so why mess with it," he said.

In the Boston suburb of Norton, police told residents there may be delays or no response at all to some calls, including vandalism. The department posted the new policy on its website.

"We wanted to let people know about this," Norton Police Chief Brian Clark said. "We didn't want people to be surprised."

Bernard Melekian, director of the Justice Department's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, said the actions reflect are a reflection of the hard economic times across the country.

Jan 19, 2005
yes I have, thanks for your concern, I think? :)

the irony in your first post in this thread went right over your head , I see.

let me clarify........Can you please elaborate as to THE pending currency/economic collapse (given you're not an 'expert', by your own admission), do your best:

when shall it occur? how much water/food should we tuck away ( as per your recommendation, but it was vague!!!),6 mths worth?, how will the 'econonic collapse' manifest itself? ATM's no longer work? choas in the streets, no govt funding to pay the police, anarchy in the streets? if so, should we buy guns? where should we hide our gold? USA declares war on China? USA takes over Canada?

the irony was so thick,I needed a butcher's knife to get thru it......:)

You are in for a rude awakening my friend

Sep 21, 2001
It was like 2 years ago that idiot Glen Beck was talking about stock piling canned goods - yawn, this shit is still going on as the market goes higher and higher - who listens to this shit? people in the middle of the country?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It was like 2 years ago that idiot Glen Beck was talking about stock piling canned goods - yawn, this shit is still going on as the market goes higher and higher - who listens to this shit? people in the middle of the country?

Market goes higher? What you mean the fancy dow index number? What do you expect when they throw billions and billions (printed out of thin air) of dollars at it? Its not real growth, its an illusion. Look at the gold/dow ratio. Sure the dow is 11,000 now but gold is over 1350. 10 years ago the dow was just about 11,000 as well but gold was under 300 bucks.

Record amount of Americans on food stamps, foreclosures rampant, job numbers horrible. If the market is going higher and higher why are the problems getting more and more?

Sep 21, 2001
Problems are not getting worse and worse - they levelled off - foreclosures are rampant cuz it's a lengthy process - I dont know about food stamps and I know jobs r bad but that leveled a year ago and will be back in 2 years - the US ain't going anywhere - the entire world hit a recession - 2 yeasr from now and the DOW is at 15k and the unemployment is 6% - go ahead and eat some of those canned beans - u have my permission

Oct 12, 2008
You are in for a rude awakening my friend

um, no. I'll be okay, and hopefully you as well.

The Fed is playing a dangerous game with massive liquidity, intentionally devaluing the dollar---if they are wrong (you and I do NOT know, of course) then the US will hit a crisis and they will have to re-evaluate

they have options as NO country has their military ability. They STILL call the shots.

I see the Canadians are still chiming in with tremendous worry, as they should be.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Problems are not getting worse and worse - they levelled off - foreclosures are rampant cuz it's a lengthy process - I dont know about food stamps and I know jobs r bad but that leveled a year ago and will be back in 2 years - the US ain't going anywhere - the entire world hit a recession - 2 yeasr from now and the DOW is at 15k and the unemployment is 6% - go ahead and eat some of those canned beans - u have my permission

There is so much wrong with your comments I'm flabbergasted. Leveled off? Jobs situation looking good? What on earth are you talking about? They pumped over a trillion monopoly dollars into the economy and the outlook hasn't improved one bit. Now the monopoly money has worn off without creating any legitimate growth in the economy and they will be forced to prop up the economy for another short period with even more printing. If everything is fine why are they about to announce another round of quantitative easing? As suggested earlier the dow index number does not indicate the health of the economy. The monopoly money being created enters the markets and raises the numbers but the numbers just become weaker.

And if you don't know about the record amount of people on food stamps why not do a search? The amount of people living in poverty in the US is now estimated over 45 million. The unemployment numbers are very bad, and that's with the fudged numbers the government provides. I'd love to hear your theory as to how the unemployment rate will drop to 6% in just two years, that prediction has ZERO chance of coming true.


U.S. poverty rate hits 15-year high

Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:43pm EDT

* U.S. poverty rate highest since 1994

* Poverty 8.1 percent lower than in 1959

* Number of people without health coverage rose

By Donna Smith

WASHINGTON, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. poverty rate rose to 14.3 percent in 2009 from 13.2 percent the year before, bringing the percentage of the population living in poverty to the highest level since 1994, as the economic downturn took its toll on jobs, the U.S. government said on Thursday.

The U.S. Census Bureau said 43.6 million people, or one in seven Americans, lived in poverty last year, up from 39.8 million in 2008. The data paints a picture of rising hardship and declining incomes for many living in the United States and hands more bad economic news to Democrats ahead of Nov. 2 congressional elections.
Suburbs take hit as US poverty climbs in downturn

By HOPE YEN (AP) – 6 days ago

WASHINGTON — The American suburb is no longer a refuge from poverty in cities.

A pair of analyses by the nonprofit Brookings Institution paints a bleak economic picture for the 100 largest metropolitan areas over the past decade and in coming years, and finds that suburbs now are home to one-third of the nation's poor, and rising.

The study of census data finds that since 2000, the number of poor people in the suburbs jumped by 37.4 percent to 13.7 million. The growth rate of suburban poverty is more than double that of cities and higher than the national rate of 26.5 percent.

At the same time, social service providers are spread thin in many suburban areas, according to a detailed Brookings survey of groups in representative metropolitan areas of Chicago, Los Angeles and the District of Columbia. That has forced providers to turn away many poor people due to scarce aid that typically goes to cities first.

"Millions of Americans at all income levels moved to the suburbs looking for better schools, better jobs, affordable housing, and a sense of security, but in recent years, as incomes have fallen, people had a harder and harder time making ends meet," said Scott Allard, a University of Chicago professor who co-wrote one of the reports.

"As a result, Americans who never imagined becoming poor are now asking for assistance, and many are not getting the help they need."

After the recession began in 2007, the suburbs continued to post larger increases in the number of poor — adding 1.8 million, compared with 1.4 million in the cities.

The findings come weeks before the Nov. 2 congressional elections in which voters anxious over the economy will decide whether to keep Democrats in power. Made up of both cities and surrounding suburbs, the large metro areas represent two-thirds of the U.S. population and are home to battlegrounds that helped lift Democrat Barack Obama to victory in 2008.

Cities still have higher poverty rates — about 19.5 percent, compared with 10.4 percent in the suburbs. But the gap has been steadily narrowing. In a reversal from 2000, the number of poor people living in the suburbs now exceeds those in cities by roughly 1.6 million.

Analysts attribute the shift largely to years of middle-class flight and substantial shares of minorities and immigrants leaving cities in the early part of the decade for affordable housing and job opportunities in the suburbs. After the housing bust, their fortunes changed, throwing millions out of work.

More than half, or 57, of the 100 largest U.S. metro areas had substantial increases in poverty. They were most evident in Sun Belt suburban areas including Modesto and Riverside, both in California, as well as the Florida cities of Lakeland, Orlando, Miami and Tampa, which had seen large population gains during the housing boom.

Also hit hard were Rust Belt manufacturing regions such as Detroit, Cleveland and Allentown, Pa., where the poverty rate soared to 29 percent from 19 percent.

Nationally, the government reported last month that 14.3 percent of people in the U.S., or 1 in 7, now live below the poverty line, which is $21,954 for a family of four. Among the working-age population, poverty is at 12.9 percent, the highest since the 1960s, when the government launched a campaign against poverty.

Based on unemployment rates that remain near 10 percent, many analysts predict increases in the U.S. poverty rate for at least two more years, with suburbs continuing to struggle.

Additional findings:

_Poor people's requests to nonprofit groups for help buying food, paying bills and making housing payments generally jumped 30 percent between 2008 and 2009. About 3 out of 4 nonprofit groups reported more requests from people who had never sought help before.

_Almost half of the nonprofit groups serving the suburban poor reported they had lost substantial government or private-sector aid in the last year. Many of them were expecting additional cuts in 2011.

_Suburban nonprofit groups were often spread across multiple counties, cities or townships. That made it difficult to coordinate services across sprawling areas or obtain money, compared with cities where poverty was more concentrated.

_Private philanthropic support for nonprofit social service groups more often helped the poor in cities than in suburbs, due partly to a belief that cities needed more help.

Elizabeth Kneebone, a senior research associate at the Brookings Institution, said the numbers highlighted a need for local governments to develop regional approaches to tackling poverty that encompass both city and suburb.

While suburban poverty is a growing problem, Kneebone noted that city poverty also rose significantly in the last year as the downturn spread from construction and manufacturing to other sectors. She said future poverty increases will be partly determined by the pace of economic recovery as well as government policy decisions promoting job growth, affordable housing and transportation.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
um, no. I'll be okay, and hopefully you as well.

The Fed is playing a dangerous game with massive liquidity, intentionally devaluing the dollar---if they are wrong (you and I do NOT know, of course) then the US will hit a crisis and they will have to re-evaluate

they have options as NO country has their military ability. They STILL call the shots.

I see the Canadians are still chiming in with tremendous worry, as they should be.

So if the Fed gets it wrong and the dollar tanks they will just "re-evaluate"? Please elaborate on that. The fed aren't gods, if the dollar tanks they won't be able to simply fix it with a click of a button. There won't be any options left at that point.

And even stranger you are coming from the standpoint the Fed is trying to help even though the Fed is one of the main reasons why the economy is tanking.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
One trillion dollars from Ben helicopter is equivalent about a thousand points added to the DOW, so let's print another 4 trillion to make it 15K. Meanwhile, it will cost $150 to fill your tank, $20 for a happy meal, and $200.00 co-pay for doctor office visit, everyone is happy.

US economy needs to created 150K jobs a month just to keep up with the population. At this rate, it will take forever to recover the jobs lost, 6% unemployment rate in 2 yrs is a pipe dream.

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